Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state, announced a new program aimed at improving the lot of all Bengal state citizens, particularly the daily wage laborers who are unable to make ends meet due to lockdowns. In this article you get every necessary information regarding this scheme such as benefits, overview, objective, eligibility criteria, required documents and apply online.
Prochesta Scheme 2024
The government of West Bengal has been providing assistance to its citizens, including daily wage laborers, whenever they need it. Additionally, the West Bengal state chief minister said that every worker will receive a bundle worth Rs. 1000.
The state’s chief minister has asked residents to remain indoors and work with the authorities during the lockdown because the number of cases of the disease is now increasing.
Overview Of Prochesta Scheme 2024
Name of the Scheme | Prochesta Scheme 2024 |
Launched By | State Government of West Bengal |
Nodal Department Name | Labour department, Govt. of West Bengal |
Beneficiaries | Daily Wage Workers |
Objective | To help during COVID-19 crises |
Application Mode | Offline |
Official Website | |
Objective Of Prochesta Scheme
The primary goal of this scheme is to pay those daily wage workers who are unable to get their wages because of the nationwide lockdown that Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared yesterday. The workers of the State of West Bengal would receive several benefits from the scheme’s implementation. primarily the accessibility of financial support. Because everything is under lockdown due to the coronavirus, the workers were forced to spend their lives without a job.
Benefits Of Prochesta Scheme
- The scheme will primarily help West Bengal’s daily wage laborers.
- Private workers in the unorganized sector would get a monetary incentive of one thousand rupees.
- As part of this scheme, the Chief Minister promised to provide 2 rupees worth of rice at no cost at the Corona airport.
- West Bengali residents will also profit from the establishment of a States Emergency Relief Fund in support of Corona.
- Private employees no longer make up more than 5% of the workforce.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant must live in West Bengal.
- The applicant must be the family’s only provider of income, working for a daily pay.
- The applicant is not eligible to receive any benefits from any state social scheme.
- Within a family, only one member is qualified.
- The applicant cannot be employed by another source of money.
Required Documents
- Aadhaar Card
- Bank Account Details
- Address Proof
- Mobile Number
Application Procedure Of Prochesta Scheme 2024
- Candidates must apply for the program offline or online at the Official Website.
- Applicants can apply for the program by receiving a free Application Form from
- Office of District Magistrate or offices designated by the district magistrate
- Office of Commissioner of Kolkata Municipal corporation
- Fill the application form with the necessary details such as:
- Name of the Applicant
- Father Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Age
- Voter ID Number
- Ration Card Number
- Aadhaar CArd Number
- District
- Assembly
- Area
- Gp/Ward Number
- House/Premises
- Post Office
- Police Station
- Bank Account Detail
- Mobile Number etc
- Click on the passport size image.
- Sign the application after reading the statement.
- Submit the completed form to the same office where you obtained it.
Prochesta Prokolpo Mobile App
- First you have to visit the Official Website of the scheme.
- The homepage will appear on your screen.
- Go to the Prachesta and click on the Download option.
- A new page will appear on your screen.
- Click on the download the android app option.
- Allow it to Install to your phone, then launch the application.
- Enter your mobile number to register.
Payment Procedure
- First, submit the application.
- After that, the application will be sent for the preliminary inquiry and verification.
- The district magistrate or commissioner of Kolkata Municipal Corporation verifies the applications before sending them to the relevant banks for payment.
Payment Mode
The rewards of Rs. 1000 will be deposited directly into the beneficiarie’s bank accounts. The application will be verified only by the Nodal Department before the one-time ex-gratia is approved. The beneficiaries file will be sent straight to the relevant banks for payment by the nodal department.
What is the Prochesta Scheme 2024?
The people of West Bengal, including those who earn a daily income, have been receiving the much-needed help from the state government. A financial reward of Rs 1,000 has also been announced for all employees by the Chief Minister of West Bengal.
Who may apply for Prochesta Prokolpo?
Each household is only allowed to use one member of this program.
What is the Official Website of the scheme?