Sukhvinder Sukhu, the chief minister of Himachal Pradesh said on Monday that beginning in the following fiscal year his government will give Rs.1,500 per month to women in the state between the ages of 18 and 60. Over five lakh women would be covered under the HP Govt 1500 Rupees Scheme. In this article you get every necessary information regarding this scheme such as objective, eligibility criteria, required documents, overview and application form.
HP Govt 1500 Rupees Scheme
The Sukhu administration of Himachal Pradesh has been implementing the Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana. Participants in the project receive Rs.1500 per year for women. The state government would provide Rs.800 crore annually for the scheme, according to the announcement made by the Chief Minister.
Ladies who submitted an application before the state’s code of conduct were awarded a Rs. 4,500 one time payment good for three months. The Himachal Pradesh government’s 1500 Rupees Scheme would provide Samman Nidhi to all women above the age of 18.
Overview Of HP Govt 1500 Rupees Scheme
Name of the scheme | HP govt 1500 rupees scheme |
Launched by | State government of himachal pradesh |
Beneficiaries | Women of state |
Objective | To provide financial help |
Assistance Amount | Rs.1500 |
Official website | ____ |
Objective Of HP Govt 1500 Rupees Scheme
The main objective of the scheme is to enhance the house’s financial status by giving it Rs.1500 a month. The Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana of the Himachal Pradesh government has created excitement among women and girls. Women are currently lined up to apply at the District Welfare Office (DWO). Hundreds of women come here every day to submit applications.
Benefits Of HP govt 1500 Rupees Scheme
- The Chief Minister stated that the state government will be funding the Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojna with Rs.800 crore annually.
- Participants in the project receive Rs. 1500 per year for women.
- Ladies who submitted an application before the state’s code of conduct were awarded a Rs. 4,500 one-time payment good for three months.
- Under the scheme, all women who are between the ages of 18 and 60 will get Samman Nidhi.
- Sukhu said that the campaign will reach over five lakh women.
- 4,128 women in Sirmaur have so far profited from contributing Rs. 1500 and getting a one-time payment that lasts for three months.
Eligibility Criteria Of HP Govt 1500 Rupees Scheme
- The applicant must live in Himachal Pradesh.
- The applicant needs to be a female.
- The age range for the candidate must be 18 to 60 years old.
Required Documents
- Aadhaar card
- Caste certificate
- Address proof
- Date of birth
- Mobile number
Application Process
- You have to visit your nearest tehsildar office.
- Request the application form from the relevant official.
- It’s simple to obtain from online.
- Fill out the application form completely including your name, address, date of birth and other information.
- You have to attach all the necessary documents.
- Now submit the application form to the Program Officer (Social Justice and Empowerment)
What is the HP govt 1500 rupees scheme?
Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, the chief minister of Himachal Pradesh declared in March that the Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojna will provide Rs 1,500 per month to women between the ages of 18 and 60 starting in the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Who is eligible for the 1500 Rupees Govt HP Scheme?
Women in Himachal Pradesh between the ages of 18 and 60 may apply for the Scheme.
What kind of financial support is available to women under the Scheme?
Each woman who takes part in the scheme would get Rs. 1500