Both Central and state government of Maharashtra has launched various schemes for the welfare of the citizens of their state. One such scheme is launched by the State Government which is named as Anandacha Shidha Scheme. Under this scheme the government will provide food kits for Rs. 100 to more than 1.70 Crore families having saffron ration card during the upcoming Ganesh festival. Similar kits were distributed last year for Gudi Padwa, Dr. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary, Ganesh festival and Diwali. The government has set the allocation budget of Rs. 562.51 Crore for the scheme.
Further in this article we will provide you more information about the scheme which includes Objectives, Benefits & Features, Eligibility, Documents, Registration Procedure for Anandacha Shidha, etc.
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About Anandacha Shidha
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Government of Maharashtra has taken the initiative to launch Anandacha Shidha Scheme. The aim of the scheme is to provide food facility during the upcoming Ganesh festivals. This scheme was introduced in 2022 during Diwali festival under which the government has provided four food items at a discounted rate of Rs. 100 to families holding saffron ration cards.
Under this scheme, the food kit will include one kilogram each of rava (suji), chana dal, and sugar, along with one liter of soybean oil. This scheme will work from August 15 to September 15. To ensure timely delivery, the state government has speed up the tender process, reducing it from 21 days to eight days. Once the tenders are finalized, the kit will be available at ration shops. The food kit will be distributed after August 15 for over 30 days.
Key Highlights Of Anandacha Shidha Scheme
Name of the Scheme | Anandacha Shidha Scheme |
Announced By | Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Government of Maharashtra |
Objective | To provide food facility to the citizens of the state |
Beneficiaries | Families of Maharashtra State having saffron ration cards |
Benefit | Food facility at discounted rate of Rs. 100 to families holding saffron ration cards |
State | Maharashtra |
Year | 2024 |
Form of Benefit | Food facility |
Hosting Site | NIC (National Informatics Center) |
Mode of Registration | Automatic |
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Objectives Of Anandacha Shidha Scheme
The objectives of the scheme are as follows:
- The primary objective of launching the scheme is to provide food facility to the citizens of the state.
- The aim of the scheme is to provide benefits to those families who holds saffron ration cards.
Benefits & Features Of Anandacha Shidha Scheme
Here are some benefits & features of the scheme, which are as follows:
- Under this scheme the state government will provide food kits for Rs. 100 to more than 1.70 Crore families having saffron ration card during the upcoming Ganesh festival.
- The government has set the allocation budget of Rs. 562.51 Crore for the scheme.
- Under this scheme, the food kit will include one kilogram each of rava (suji), chana dal, and sugar, along with one liter of soybean oil.
- To ensure timely delivery, the state government has speed up the tender process, reducing it from 21 days to eight days.
- Once the tenders are finalized, the kit will be available at ration shops and the food kit will be distributed after August 15 for over 30 days.
- This scheme will work from August 15 to September 15.
- This scheme was introduced in 2022 during Diwali festival under which the government has provided four food items at a discounted rate of Rs. 100 to families holding saffron ration cards.
- Similar kits were distributed last year for Gudi Padwa, Dr. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary, Ganesh festival and Diwali.
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Eligibility Criteria
To avail the benefit under this scheme, candidates should fulfill these eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be permanent resident of Maharashtra.
- Applicants should have saffron ration card.
Required Documents
To avail the benefit under the Scheme, candidates should have these following documents:
- Aadhar Card
- Saffron Ration card
- Passport size photograph
- Residence certificate
Registration Procedure For Anandacha Shidha Scheme
Once the tenders are finalized, the kit will be available at ration shops. The food kit will be distributed after August 15 for over 30 days. Families can avail the food kits from the ration shops after August 15. There is no registration procedure for the scheme, as all the families of Maharashtra state having saffron cards are eligible for the scheme. The scheme will be implemented for more than 1.70 Crore families across the state. This scheme was introduced in 2022 during Diwali festival under which the government has provided four food items at a discounted rate of Rs. 100 to families holding saffron ration cards.
What is the aim of the Anandacha Shidha Scheme?
The primary objective of launching the scheme is to provide food facility to the citizens of the state.
What is the benefit of the Scheme?
Under this scheme the state government will provide food kits for Rs. 100 to more than 1.70 Crore families having saffron ration card during the upcoming Ganesh festival.
Who launched the Scheme?
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Government of Maharashtra has taken the initiative to launch the Scheme.
Who is eligible for the Scheme?
1.70 Crore families of Maharashtra state having saffron ration card are eligible for the scheme.